
Secure and timely warranty, asset, contract and agreement reminder service.

Focus on running your home or business while Niggle It focuses on tracking your assets and renewals. Timely reminders via email or SMS keep you organised and in control.

Does the administration required to keep things running at home and work constantly distract you from actually running your business or household?

What are the implications for your business if you don't renew a trademark, domain or other time critical agreement before it expires?

Receive timely reminders

Use Niggle It to securely track your business assets and agreements. A timely reminder before a contract or agreement expires gives you the time you need to check the details, know what you are renewing and review alternative providers if you haven't been happy with the price or service.

Scan, attach and store a back up copy of critical documents.

Scan or take a photo of your critical documents and upload this electronic back up copy to Niggle It. If your original documents are lost or damaged, the Niggle It back up copy can be accessed from anywhere with an internet connection 24/7.

End of financial year efficiency

When your tax return is due, how much time do you spend locating documentation for your claimable business expenses?

By emailing you a consolidated copy of the flagged business receipts and invoices you need for your tax return, Niggle It increases your efficiency at tax time and reduces the chance of missing an item you could have claimed.

Track all your business documents

Niggle It can track and remind you about:

  • Your assets
  • Warranties and extended warranties
  • Insurance policies
  • Telecommunication agreements, landline, mobile phones and internet connections
  • Utilities, electricity, gas, water supply and waste disposal
  • Contracts with services providers for IT hardware and software, cleaning, maintenance, stationery, kitchen supplies, web hosting, domain registration and other services
  • Contracts with customers for products or services you provide
  • Business name registration
  • Tax deductable receipts and invoices.

Niggle It. Your online personal assistant to organise and simplify your business.

Sign up now for a free account and try Niggle It, your timely warranty, asset and contract reminder service.