

This is the list of Frequently Asked Questions about Niggle It. It has answers to most of the common questions people ask about Niggle It. If you are seeking answers to questions about related areas such as Warranty and Contracts a great starting points in the Links & Resources, but you should look elsewhere as well for specific state based detail.

Know Your Rights

We all should understand our consumer rights. Understanding some of these rights will increase your confidence to make yourself heard and when things go wrong.

Consumer Rights Topics

Interesting Consumer Rights Information we like and topics we are watching.

Video Tutorials

We have made a series of video tutorials to show you how to add Niggles with attached receipts and the recall the Niggles and view attached receipts.

Links & Resources

Here are some handy links and resources from the N.S.W Government as they are very comprehensive, clear and brief. Whether you live in N.S.W or not it's a great starting point.

Niggle It Success Stories

We all have our horror stories & successes with expiring warranties and contracts. The common theme to success is knowing where the documents are located and up until when they are valid. With that in mind we are sure you will recognise these real life situations and examples how to Niggle It to our busy days, weeks and years.